Posts tagged exercise
What Type of Cardio Is Right For YOU?

Did you know that there are three different types of cardio? It may seem difficult to decide which type is right for your body and your goals. Which is why Datefit is here to clear things up for you!

Type 1 LISS: Stands for low-intensity steady state cardio. LISS is an aerobic exercise that results in fat loss but no metabolic afterburn effect. LISS is categorized by heart rates between 100 and 130 bpm (can be monitored using Fitbit, Apple Watch, heart rate monitor, etc). Examples of low-intensity steady state cardio: walking or biking for 30 minutes. Who would benefit from this type of cardio? Strength or powerlifting athletes, individuals that need to create a caloric deficit, those who work sedentary (sitting) jobs, older population, overweight individuals, those that benefit from cardio for stress reasons.

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