We Meet You Wherever You're at on Your Journey
By using Datefit, the fresh and inspiring face of mobile dating, singles can find inspiration and like-minded individuals who are looking to improve themselves while endeavoring to find love.
We’re a community of all shapes and sizes, ethnicities, genders and philosophies. The only requirement for Datefit is that you place a healthy-way-of-life as a top priority, no matter how far along you are in your journey.
Learn more about our passionate team living our best lives in our hometown of Cleveland, Ohio!
We live and breathe a culture of positivity, inspiration and motivation. We realize the success of our team starts with the individual choices we make each morning. #bringiton
We’re a passionate team, who’s passionate about creating healthy relationships – and we’re doing all from our hometown of Cleveland, USA!
We have relationships with popular fitness ambassadors and brands that span locally and nationally. Our ultimate goal is to provide our team, users, family, friends and fans with a destination of motivation and inspiration.
A Community of Motivation & Inspiration
Datefit isn’t just an app, it’s a community of like-minded individuals who value fitness, healthy eating and inspirational growth as top priority in their lives. We realize that “you’re the average of the 5 people you hang around the most.” Surround yourself with people who will motivate you to become the best you.
Find that special someone that with inspire you all the days of your life.
Engage in our communities...
#Datefit #JustDoItTogether #LivefitDatefit

Great Brands Think Alike
We’re actively partnering with top brands in the fitness and healthy-way-of-life space.

Join Our Movement
Are you a fit-fluencer, healthy eating fanatic, spiritual motivator with a strong & loyal social media following? We need to meet each other!
Help spread the word — Apply to become a Datefit Ambassador...